Welcome to
Honolulu Fukushima Kenjin Kai
Address: 94-1492 Okupu Street
Our History
Honolulu Fukushima Kenjin Kai was established in 1923 with Yuji Koseki as the first President. In 1973, HFKK was incorporated as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit social organization. The Kenjin Kai was established by the immigrants for mutual assistance and aid when faced with problems and provided the opportunity to socialize with members who shared the same dialects and culture, and for fellowship and companionship.
- To encourage Fukushima Prefecture heritage, culture and customs in Hawaii and North/South Americas.
- To cooperate in activities with United Japanese Society and other local and international community associations.
- To promote fellowship, goodwill, understanding and harmony among descendants of Fukushima Prefecture.
Shinnen Enkai
The New Year’s Party (Shinnen Enkai) is usually held in February consisting of a General Membership Meeting, election of new officers/directors, enjoy a delicious Japanese lunch, entertainment by members and lucky number games with lots of prizes to take home. There is always time to honor our senior members as well as recognize some of our rising young adults.
Summer Picnic
The summer picnic is held in July at Ala Moana Park where families, friends, young and old, enjoy playing games (similar to Japan’s “undokai”) with lots of prizes and vegetable pick ups. We honor our young school graduates with a small token of congratulations. Families bring potluck lunch and bentos. There’s always free shave ice and cold watermelon to enjoy. Last, families find time to take a swim at Ala Moana Beach.
UJSH Installation & Recognition Banquet
Each year, COKK recognizes its Outstanding Member at the UJSH Event, along with other kenjinkai.
Honolulu Fukushima Kenjin Kai
94-1492 Okupu Street
Jinshichi Tokairin
Presidents Message

Sadie Watanabe
The Honolulu Fukushima Kenjin Kai is a non-profit organization and our mission is to provide fellowship, goodwill, understanding and harmony among all descendants, relatives and friends of immigrants from Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. Since its inception, we have celebrated our 60th, 75th, 80th, 85th, 90th and 95th anniversaries with gala celebrations. After the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake triple disaster, we assisted in establishing the Fukushima Disaster Relief Fund. We uphold our organization’s mission statements by welcoming and/or supporting Fukushima NPOs and visitors. Our members participate in yearly community activities. Besides our annual Shinnen Enkai and summer picnic, we conducted nine furusato tours to Fukushima and our youths participate in the Prefectural Youth Homestay Program. We emphasize that we are a FAMILY oriented organization. We strive to attract and recruit new members to carry on our traditional Japanese values, customs, and attitudes.
Honolulu Fukushima Kenjin Kai
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