Serving as president for the past year has been an incredible experience. I have met amazing people, participated in wonderful events and activities, and learned more about the diverse groups which connect Hawaii and Japan through culture, traditions, and heritage. It has been a privilege to have received such a remarkable opportunity.
A goal over the past year was to expand UJSH to include more members of Hawaii’s Nikkei community. We were fortunate to have several new organizations join UJSH, including a newly formed kenjinkai and two youth-oriented organizations which represent the next generation of leaders in our community.
This past year we also took our first steps beyond Honolulu. We welcomed guests and entertainers from Maui to
our Shinnen Enkai Celebration where we collected donations for the Japanese Cultural Society of Maui’s Ganbare Maui Community Recovery Fund, and we sought to connect with community groups in Hilo to spread our membership to the Big Island. I firmly believe this effort will continue as our incoming board of directors includes representatives from Maui and Hawaii Island. I would like to conclude my message with the most important part, a heartfelt thank you to the office volunteers and the outgoing officers and board of directors. For the past year you have supported me and carried our organization forward. As a 100% volunteer organization, UJSH’s success is a direct reflection of your selfless sense of service and sacrifice. We are better as a community because of you.
Keith Sakuda
David Jones incoming president message 2024-2025
Aloha and congratulations to Dr. Keith Sakuda for his outstanding leadership and dedication in keeping our Japanese community strong and vibrant. My deepest appreciation to the incoming Board of Directors for your willingness to serve and carry the banner of UJSH....